On ne cessera jamais de nous surprendre dans le monde ferroviaire. Même dans des endroits qui semblent complètement hors de portée du train. Imaginez un peu ma surprise quand je découvre sur l'ile de Gorée, au Sénégal des vestiges de matériel Decauville!
We will never cease to be surprised in the railway world. Even in places that seem completely out of reach of the train. Imagine my surprise when I discover on the island of Gorée, Senegal, remnants of Decauville equipment!
We will never cease to be surprised in the railway world. Even in places that seem completely out of reach of the train. Imagine my surprise when I discover on the island of Gorée, Senegal, remnants of Decauville equipment!
Sur les hauteurs de cette magnifique ile de Gorée, au Castelet, la vue est belle et on voit Dakar qui est proche mais aussi suffisamment loin pour respirer un bon air. Les iliens sont très sympathiques et voyant que je regarde ce matériel ferroviaire, une dame m'explique que c'est un vestige de la guerre. L'île était une position stratégique et deux canons ont été amenés ici sur les hauteurs du Castelet.
On the heights of this magnificent island of Gorée, in Le Castelet, the view is beautiful and we see Dakar which is close but also far enough away to breathe good air. The Ilians are very friendly and seeing that I look at this railway equipment, a lady explains to me that it is a remnant of the war. The island was a strategic position and two cannons were brought here on the heights of the Castelet.
On the heights of this magnificent island of Gorée, in Le Castelet, the view is beautiful and we see Dakar which is close but also far enough away to breathe good air. The Ilians are very friendly and seeing that I look at this railway equipment, a lady explains to me that it is a remnant of the war. The island was a strategic position and two cannons were brought here on the heights of the Castelet.
Vestige d'un bogie (ou truck) qui supportait un des canons
Remains of a truck that supported one of the guns
Effectivement, plus haut il y a deux canons de 240mm qui seraient issus du cuirassé Vergniaud (désarmé en Juin 1921) et qui ont été acheminés au sommet en 1935. 9 des canons du cuirassé ont été utilisés comme défense côtière de Dakar à partir de 1922. Ce type de canon ne pèse pas moins de 14 tonnes.
Pour une telle charge, il parait tout à fait plausible d'utiliser des bogies à quatre essieux. La limite de charge se situe aux environs de 12 tonnes pour un bogie, 24 tonnes avec 2 trucks.
Indeed, above there are two cannons of 240mm that would have come from the battleship Vergniaud (disarmed in June 1921) and which were transported to the summit in 1935. 9 of the battleship's guns were used as Dakar's coastal defence from 1922. This type of cannon weights no less than 14 tons.
For such a charge, it would be entirely plausible to use four-axle bogies. The load limit is around 12 tons for a truck, 24 tons with 2 trucks.
Indeed, above there are two cannons of 240mm that would have come from the battleship Vergniaud (disarmed in June 1921) and which were transported to the summit in 1935. 9 of the battleship's guns were used as Dakar's coastal defence from 1922. This type of cannon weights no less than 14 tons.
For such a charge, it would be entirely plausible to use four-axle bogies. The load limit is around 12 tons for a truck, 24 tons with 2 trucks.
C'est rouillé mais encore en assez bon état. Le tampon et les chaines d'attelage sont toujours là et j'ai pu les manipuler.
It's rusty but still in good enough condition. The bumper and hitch chains are still there and I was able to handle them.
It's rusty but still in good enough condition. The bumper and hitch chains are still there and I was able to handle them.
Vue de face du bogie
Front view of the bogie
Front view of the bogie
Une preuve irréfutable est le marquage constructeur sur les boites d'essieux "Decauville Ainé - Petit Bourg". Les ateliers de Petit-Bourg ont été créés en 1853 et l'usine de Corbeil ouvrit ses portes en 1881. Ce matériel a probablement au moins 130 ans... La partie inférieure donne aussi le numéro 28 et on devine une lettre. Cela peut aider pour une identification plus précise à partir du catalogue Decauville.
An irrefutable proof is the manufacturer marking on the axle boxes "Decauville Ainé - Petit Bourg". The Petit-Bourg workshops were established in 1853 and the Corbeil factory opened in 1881. This material is probably at least 130 years old... The bottom also gives the number 28 and we guess a letter. This can help for more accurate identification from the Decauville catalogue.
Decauville - la preuve -
Decauville - the proof -
Autre surprise, non loin de là, un fût de canon qui refroidit comme dirait Fernand Raynaud. Il s'agit probablement d'un vestige des canons du port.
Another surprise, not far away, is a cannon barrel that cools as late french humorist Fernand Raynaud would have said. It is probably a vestige of the cannons of the port.
Another surprise, not far away, is a cannon barrel that cools as late french humorist Fernand Raynaud would have said. It is probably a vestige of the cannons of the port.
fût de canon
cannon barrel
cannon barrel
C'est un peu le jeu de piste, car il y a des vestiges un peu partout...
It's a bit of a track game, because there are remnants everywhere...
It's a bit of a track game, because there are remnants everywhere...
Reste d'un second truck
Remains of a second truck
Remains of a second truck
En admirant la vue de Dakar, je me dis que cette petite table a une drôle d'allure. En regardant de plus près, c'est encore un reste de la partie supérieur du truck. Du coup, je l'ai baptisé la table Decauville!
Admiring the view of Dakar, I tell myself that this little table has a funny style. On closer inspection, it's also a remnant of the top of the truck. So I named it the Decauville table!
Admiring the view of Dakar, I tell myself that this little table has a funny style. On closer inspection, it's also a remnant of the top of the truck. So I named it the Decauville table!
La table Decauville
The Decauville table
The Decauville table
Même le baobab est fléché sur du Decauville.
Even the baobab is signposted on Decauville.
Even the baobab is signposted on Decauville.
Direction baobab
path to the baobab
Je n'ai pas trouvé de trace des rails qui ont sûrement été réutilsés. Quant à la locomotive qui a servi à monter les canons c'est un mystère total. Il est plus probable qu'un treuil ait été utilisé.
I have not found any trace of the rails that have surely been reused. As for the locomotive that was used to mount the guns it is a total mystery. It is more likely that a winch was used.
Nicolas a trouvé des éléments intéressants.
" L'aspect de ce bogie me faisait penser à quelque chose de militaire mais je ne pouvais pas le justifier. C'est maintenant chose faite, du moins dans l'intention de départ, ce matériel ayant pu être utilisé pour toute autre chose.
Nicolas found some interesting elements.
"The look of this truck made me think of something military but I couldn't justify it. It is now done, at least with the original intention, this material could have been used for anything else.
Nicolas found some interesting elements.
"The look of this truck made me think of something military but I couldn't justify it. It is now done, at least with the original intention, this material could have been used for anything else.
Il s'agit donc d'un "truck" pour transporter des charges lourdes et longues. Il n'y a pas d'équivalence exacte dans le catalogue Decauville de 1916, mais les illustrations permettent de comprendre le principe général. En tout état de cause, il en faudrait un deuxième exemplaire pour y poser quoi que ce soit.
It is therefore a "truck" to carry long heavy loads. There is no exact match in the Decauville 1916 catalogue, but the illustrations help to understand the general principle. In any case, it would take a second truck to put anything in place.
Sur la photo, on a le truck à 4 essieux avec la traverse pivotante posée directement, c'est une combinaison simplifiée dérivée d'une configuration de base plus complète.
On the photo, we have the truck with 4 axles with the swivel crossbar placed directly, it is a simplified combination derived from a more complete basic configuration.
On the photo, we have the truck with 4 axles with the swivel crossbar placed directly, it is a simplified combination derived from a more complete basic configuration.
Généralement, ces trucks sont couplés par des barres d'écartement, ils peuvent également être jumelés au moyen de plateformes pivotantes portant elles-mêmes une traverse pivotante.
Le catalogue illustre l'usage avec un fût de canon mais cela peut bien sûr servir pour des éléments de construction (pont, chantier naval, machine-outil, etc). Comme rien ne nous dit sur la photo si ce truck a servi là où il est, on ne peut savoir quel était son usage. Seule l'Histoire locale permettrait de le savoir...[et c'est le cas !]
Generally, these trucks are coupled by spread bars, they can also be paired with swivel platforms bearing themselves a swivel crossbar.
The catalogue illustrates the use with a cannon barrel but this can of course be used for construction elements (bridge, shipyard, machine tool, etc.). Since nothing tells us in the photo if this truck was used where it is, we can't know what its use was. Only local history would know...[and so it is!]
Generally, these trucks are coupled by spread bars, they can also be paired with swivel platforms bearing themselves a swivel crossbar.
The catalogue illustrates the use with a cannon barrel but this can of course be used for construction elements (bridge, shipyard, machine tool, etc.). Since nothing tells us in the photo if this truck was used where it is, we can't know what its use was. Only local history would know...[and so it is!]
Ci-dessous, les pages utilisées pour l'identification.
Under, the pages used for identification.
Under, the pages used for identification.
(Photos N. Petit)
A noter qu'on ne peut pas faire de datation avec ça. Les gravures sont évidemment des "simplifications" et rien ne permet de dire, pour un non spécialiste, que l'exemplaire visé se distingue par tel ou tel détail.
Une rapide recherche ne donne pas de résultats significatif pour ce type de matériel en action. Cette configuration est apparemment uniquement destinée au transport, je ne crois pas qu'une traverse pivotante soit adaptée à une plateforme d'artillerie lourde. Usage civil ou militaire, aucune idée, c'est vraiment une question pour les passionnés d'histoire locale."
Note that you can't date with that. The engravings are obviously "simplifications" and there is no way to say, for a non-specialist, that the specimen in question is distinguished by a particular detail.
A quick search does not yield significant results for this type of hardware in action. This configuration is apparently only intended for transport, I do not believe that a swivel crossbar is suitable for a heavy artillery platform. Civilian or military use, no idea, it's really a question for local history buffs."
Dans un ouvrage "Le bouclier de Neptune", au chapitre 4, il y a une petite allusion à l'histoire de la défense côtière des bases et ports français qui confirme l'usage de pièces d'artillerie de bord pour être installées à terre. Le programme a été l'objet d'une lutte de pouvoir politico-militaire se soldant bien sûr par un abandon dont il ne reste que ces quelques traces sur place.
In a book,"The Neptune Shield" in Chapter 4, there is a small allusion to the history of coastal defence of French bases and ports that confirms the use of on-board artillery to be installed ashore. The programme has been the subject of a political-military power struggle, of course resulting in an abandonment of which only these few traces remain on the ground.
Pour la manutention, quelques photos de l'Ecpad nous donnent une bonne illustration du matériel utilisé.
For handling, a few photos of the "Ecpad give us a good illustration of the material used.
Note that you can't date with that. The engravings are obviously "simplifications" and there is no way to say, for a non-specialist, that the specimen in question is distinguished by a particular detail.
A quick search does not yield significant results for this type of hardware in action. This configuration is apparently only intended for transport, I do not believe that a swivel crossbar is suitable for a heavy artillery platform. Civilian or military use, no idea, it's really a question for local history buffs."
Dans un ouvrage "Le bouclier de Neptune", au chapitre 4, il y a une petite allusion à l'histoire de la défense côtière des bases et ports français qui confirme l'usage de pièces d'artillerie de bord pour être installées à terre. Le programme a été l'objet d'une lutte de pouvoir politico-militaire se soldant bien sûr par un abandon dont il ne reste que ces quelques traces sur place.
In a book,"The Neptune Shield" in Chapter 4, there is a small allusion to the history of coastal defence of French bases and ports that confirms the use of on-board artillery to be installed ashore. The programme has been the subject of a political-military power struggle, of course resulting in an abandonment of which only these few traces remain on the ground.
Pour la manutention, quelques photos de l'Ecpad nous donnent une bonne illustration du matériel utilisé.
For handling, a few photos of the "Ecpad give us a good illustration of the material used.
Photos Ecpad
En quittant cette magnifique île, je ne peux m'empêcher de penser à tous les drames humains qu'elle a vu et que le passé ne s'oublie jamais. A charge pour nous d'entretenir la mémoire.
Leaving this beautiful island, I cannot fail to think of all the human dramas it has seen and that the past is never forgotten. It is up to us to maintain the memory.